Agent Properties

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To view the properties of an Agent right click on the Agent name and select Properties.


The Name Field provides the name of the agent configured.  This should be a valid Netbios name or IP Address.


The description Field provides a note area for a system administrator to describe the system being monitored.

Monitor Items

The Monitor items tab displays all Monitors available to an Agent.  The list of Monitor Items available is determined by the total population of Monitor Items created plus the licenses assigned to the Agent.  Monitor items that are already assigned to agent are indicated by a check mark next to the Monitor item name.



The Categories tab displays all Agent Monitoring or Maintenance category groups currently assigned or available to the agent.  A category may be assigned or unassigned by checking the box next to the category name.

Agent Options

The Agent Options tab displays the following information:


Agent Service Settings

This tab displays options for agent caching and communication port.

Service Agent Logon Account

This is the account used by the TNTAgent service for operations such as running scripts and batch files.  The Default of "Local System Account" is used in most daily operations.

Agent Status

Displays a summary of monitor item actions being performed by the agent, such as event collection or agent heartbeat.

Server Collection

This is a list of ELM servers that the agent has been configured to send data.  A server may be unregistered by right clicking on the server name and


Shows the currently assigned licenses, and allows an administrator to change the licenses assigned to the Agent.