ELM Server Command Line Options

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The table below lists command line switches that are recognized by the ELM Server.

Some switches have equivalents, but only 1 switch needs to be used.

ELM Server Command Line Switches


Usage Examples



eemsvr.exe /help

Show the ELM Server command line help.


/ImportEVT=file [/LogName=logname]

eemsvr.exe /importevt=dns_events.evt /logname="dns server"

eemsvr.exe /importevt="c:\temp\file replication service.evt"

Imports events from an EVT file into the ELM Server database. The ELM Server must have the following for the computer providing the EVT file:

ELM Agent(s) for the computername(s) in the EVT file

RPC Connectivity to the computer

Read permissions to the registry on the computer

Read permissions to the file system on the computer

Remote Registry Service running on the computer

Either file or logname must match the event log name as displayed in Windows Event Viewer. If file or logname is not specified correctly, then some of the events messages may be incomplete.

At least 1 Event View must have a Date Range that encompasses all the desired historical events. Date Range is in the properties of an Event View.

Recent events can trigger Notification Methods. See Disable...for Cached (old) data and CacheDataTrigger for more details.

Also note the default database pruning will delete older events.


eemsvr.exe /loadxml

Import an XML file from an ELM 3.1 or later export. If file is not specified, the ELM server will use a filename based on the Server executable.



eemsvr.exe /regserver

Register the ELM Server as a COM server and as a Windows service.




eemsvr.exe /restart

Restart the ELM Server service.


eemsvr.exe /savexml

Saves all ELM Server configuration data to an XML file. If file is not specified, the ELM server will use a filename based on the Server executable.



eemsvr.exe /start

Start the ELM Server service.


eemsvr.exe /stop

Stop the ELM Server service.


eemsvr.exe /unregserver

Remove the ELM Server service and unregister the ELM Server as a COM server.
