Forward Event

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The Forward Event Notification sends event information from one ELM Server (the sending server) to another ELM Server (the receiving server). Use this notification to link one or more ELM Servers. Forwarding events to an upstream ELM Server allows you to create a tiered monitoring system, an industry standard for monitoring multiple locations. Forward Event also has a caching mechanism. If the sending ELM Server cannot deliver the notification, it will cache it and attempt to resend after a few minutes.

Names - This is the list of receiving ELM Servers.

TCP Port - The port on which the receiving ELM Server is listening. By default, ELM Servers listen on port 1251. Set this value before adding a receiving ELM Server name to the list.

Add - Click the Add button to add a server. The Select Computer dialog box will appear. You may enter the server name in the Computer Name field or browse the network and select the server. Click OK to add the server. Repeat this step for each server you wish to add.

Remove - Select an ELM Server in the Names list and click the Remove button to delete it from the list.

Remove All - You may use the Remove All button to remove all ELM Servers from the Names list.

Click the Test button to test the notification.  A test message will appear in the Events view of the receiving ELM Server with the name of the sending ELM Server.

The receiving ELM Server must have the IP address of the sending ELM Server before it will accept forwarded notifications. The IP address is entered in the ELM Control Panel applet, on the Forwarded Events tab, of the receiving ELM Server.


Thresholds determine how many times identical events can occur before the Notification Method will be executed, or stopped from executing. There are three threshold settings available:

Disable this notification when it is triggered. If the Notification Method is triggered the configured number of times within the specified time period, the notifications will stop. The Notification Method is then re-enabled after a specified time period.

Activate this notification method after it is triggered. When this threshold is selected, the notifications will not be processed unless the option is triggered the specified number of times within the time period selected.

Consolidate notifications by waiting until either:

A specific number of similar events has occurred

A specific amount of time has elapsed

To disable this Notification Method for older data sent from a Service Agent, check the box that says 'Disable this notification method for old data (Default 60 minutes).'. By default, 60 minutes is the window of time which differentiates old data from new data. If an event occurred within the last hour, even though it may be from a Service Agent cache file, ELM will not treat it as old data. This feature is designed to account for, and notify you of, events that occur during brief ELM Server outages (reboots, service restart, etc.). This window of time can be changed by setting the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TNT Software\ELM Enterprise Manager\7\Settings\CacheDataTrigger value in the Registry on the ELM Server.

Threshold Events Counter

The threshold count increments only for identical events; that is, events that have the same four fields:

Computer Name


User Name

Event ID

For example, if you configure a SMTP Notification Method with the Threshold set to Disable when triggered 2 times within 5 minutes, and re-enable after 30 minutes, and within a 5 minute period the following events are received triggering this Notification Method:

Computer: SERVERA

Source: Perflib

Event ID: 1003

User Name: None

Category: None

Type: Warning Time

Generated: 4/10/2011 1:34:58 PM

Log: Application

Message: Performance data cannot be collected.


Computer: SERVERA

Source: Perflib

Event ID: 1003

User Name: None

Category: None

Type: Warning

Time Generated: 4/10/2011 1:36:04 PM

Log: Application

Message: Performance data cannot be collected.

Then because the four fields match, the events increment the count. Because two identical events occurred within the defined 5 minute period, the Notification Method will be disabled for additional matching events for 30 minutes, and automatically re-enabled thereafter. While the Notification Method is disabled for one group of events, it will send notifications for other (non-matching) events unless they also reach the threshold. The threshold count would not be incremented if the second event looked like this:

Computer: SERVERB

Source: Perflib

Event ID: 1003

User Name: None

Category: None

Type: Warning

Time Generated: 4/10/2011 1:34:58 PM

Log: Application

Message: Performance data cannot be collected.

Because the Computer name is different in the above event, it is not considered an identical event, and therefore does not increment the threshold count for the first event (and thus does not disable the Notification Method).

Scheduled Hours

The Schedule setting for this Notification. The Schedule allows you to control when the Notification is run.

Select the times that this Notification is active. By default, the schedule is set to ON for all hours and all days. Mouse clicks toggle each time period ON and OFF. Clicking on an individual square will toggle the active schedule for that hour. Clicking on an hour at the top of the grid, or on a day of the week at the left of the grid will toggle the entire column or row. Keyboard equivalents are the arrow keys and the space bar.