ELM Enterprise Manager 7.0 supports the in-place upgrade from both ELM Enterprise Manager 6.5 and ELM Enterprise Manager 6.7. This process not only preserves the current settings and configurations but also provides the new features available in ELM 7.0.

The first step in the process is to update the installed version to the terminal build. These final releases include all the fixes and enhancements accumulated over the version lifecycle. In addition, these are the only fully supported upgrade paths to ELM 7.0.

Products Affected

ELM Enterprise Manager 6.5
ELM Enterprise Manager 6.7
ELM Enterprise Manager 7.0


  1. Confirm the ELM Enterprise Manager 6.5 or 6.7 license is under an active Support and Maintenance Agreement. To check, go to the ELM Server Properties-Licensing tab in the ELM Console. The Expiration Date is listed. If it has expired, it will appear in red.
    • To verify the expiration date is current, use the Edit/Activate button and Activate the Serial Number. This will update the Expiration Date.
    • To purchase an upgrade or renew the Support and Maintenance Agreement, contact Sales
  2. Confirm the current installation is running either ELM Enterprise Manager or ELM Enterprise Manager The build number is available in the About ELM Enterprise Manager… under Help on the MMC toolbar. If a previous version is installed, Contact Product Support for access to the terminal build installation package. Download and save the file on the ELM Server system.
  3. Download the current version of ELM Enterprise Manager 7.0. The .exe installation package is available after a short registration at Product Downloads. Also save it on the ELM Server system.


  1. Update (if required) the installed version to the terminal build. For an ELM 6.5 deployment, use ELM 6.5.184. Similarly, use ELM 6.7.159 for an ELM 6.7 deployment.
    • Run the install package and follow the Setup Wizard. It will require acceptance of the licensing terms and execution of the Update button. This will update all of the ELM components running on the server. Open the updated ELM Console by selecting the Start Using ELM button. Return to the Setup Wizard and close it using the Finish button.
    • Update all deployed Service Agents. From the ELM Console, expand Monitoring and Management then Agents and Monitors Library and right click All Agents. From the context menu, select All Tasks and Reinstall Agents. Follow the Agent Deployment Wizard. It will automate the update process for all Service Agents currently deployed.
    • Confirm all Agents have been updated to Version ELM 6.5.184 or ELM 6.7.159. The version is listed for each Agent in the All Agents viewing pane in the ELM Console.
    • Create a backup copy of the ELM 6.5 or ELM 6.7 Directory (highly recommended). It is located at \Program Files (x86)\ELM Enterprise Manager
    • Create a backup copy of the ELM Enterprise Manager Registry Settings (highly recommended if modifications were made)
        HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE\ TNT Software \ ELM Enterprise Manager\ 7.0 \ Wizards
        HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE\ TNT Software \ ELM Enterprise Manager \ 7.0 \ Snapin \ Settings

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TNT Software \ ELM Enterprise Manager \ 7.0 \ Settings

  2. Run the EEM70 installation package as an Administrator. The Wizard will start up and identify the installed components. Add the Service Logon Password and agree to the ELM Enterprise Manager license terms. Execute the Upgrade button. This will upgrade all of the ELM components running on the server.
  3. In limited cases, a server Restart may be required. It is only necessary if a specific operating system or database updates were installed. Use the Restart button on the last page of the Wizard.
  4. On the final Install Successful page of the Wizard, confirm the ELM Console and ELM Dashboard are selected. They will automatically open when the Finish button is executed.
  5. Upgrade Service Agents. From the ELM Console, expand Monitoring and Management then Agents and Monitors Library and right click All Agents. From the context menu, select All Tasks and Reinstall Agents. Follow the Agent Deployment Wizard, it will automate the update process for the deployed Agents. Finish to conclude the Agent upgrade process.
  6. Confirm all Agents have been upgraded to ELM 7.0. Their version is listed on the All Agents results pane in the ELM Console.
  7. Connect the ELM Dashboard to the ELM Server. Select the top Application Menu tab in the ELM Dashboard and execute the Connect Command. It will open a Server Connect tab. Enter the ELM Server name in the Resolvable Name Field and confirm the availability of the Port selection. Then, execute the Connect button. It is located below the Message box.
  8. Enjoy ELM 7.0!

Use a LocalBD Runtime Database

After completing the in-place upgrade, the databases from the previous build of ELM will be inherited by the ELM 7.0 deployment. The Primary Database, Failover Database and the optional Archive Databases will continue to store the data after the upgrade.

As an option, the new runtime databases can be used to replace the existing database applications. The process requires changing the path to the database server.

  1. From the ELM Console, right click on the ELM Server name and select the Database Settings from the context menu.
  2. Copy and save the current path to a safe location
  3. Replace the Server path with (LocalDB)\TNT_Data
  4. Select the Create button following the Database name
  5. Confirm success by selecting the Test Connection

Each Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB database is limited to 10 GB. To avoid overwriting or loss of data, ELM 7.0 includes a rollover function. A new database will be created before the current one reaches its critical capacity. However, it is recommended that all LocalDB applications operate safely below the maximum limit.

Upgrading Remote ELM Components

When ELM Consoles and/or ELM Advisors are installed on computers other than the ELM Server system, they must be upgraded locally. This in-place upgrade is supported for any version of ELM 6.5 or ELM 6.7. The terminal versions do not have to be installed.
In addition, when ELM Console is upgraded, the ELM Dashboard will also be installed. It will require a specific configuration to communicate with the ELM Server.

The upgrade procedure is as follows:

  1. Save a copy of the ELM 7.0 installation package on the system with the ELM components installed. The version should be the same as the one installed on the ELM Server system.
  2. Open EEM70 .exe installation package and run as an Administrator. Accept the licensing terms.
  3. Select the Upgrade button and run the Startup Wizard. Follow the Wizard and at the end select the ELM Console and ELM Dashboard before executing the Finish button. The ELM Console and ELM Dashboard will open.
  4. From the ELM Console, right click on ELM Enterprise Manager and select “Connect to the ELM Server” from the context menu. Enter the server name where the ELM Server is installed.
  5. Connect the ELM Dashboard to the ELM Server system. Select the top Application Menu tab in the ELM Management Console and open the Connect Command. It will open a Server Connect tab. Enter the ELM Server name in the Resolvable Name Field and confirm the availability of the Port selection. Then, execute the Connect button. It is located below the Message box.
  6. From the ELM Advisor located in the Windows Notification Area, right click on the icon. Select Options in the context menu and the Server tab. Add the ELM Server system name and confirm entry with the OK button. Select the icon again, this time select Open ELM Advisor and confirm data is streaming in.