Release Notes

ELM Enterprise Manager – Version 8.0

Product Updates

The following changes are included in release

  • Fixed: Editing of All Agents’ Monitors is allowed.
  • Fixed: Agents registered with incorrect product recover after product is corrected.
  • Fixed: Allow change of database connection credentials only.
  • Fixed: Disabled Event Collectors and Monitors should not process events.
  • Fixed: Deleted Monitors are automatically removed from Agent configurations.
  • Fixed: Assigning products to Agents when using a multi-license is functional.
  • Added: Show some license status in the status bar.

Upgrading from ELM 7.5.166 or 7.0.203
Prior to upgrading to an ELM Version 8.0 product, you must first update to the latest release of ELM 7.5 or ELM 7.0, depending on which version you have installed.
Please check your installation and verify that you are running the latest release available. These are listed below:

  • ELM 7.5.166
  • ELM 7.0.203 (direct upgrade to 8.0 is supported)

If you are not running one of these releases, please contact Fire Mountain Software Support.

Known Issues and Retired Functionality
Prior to upgrading to an ELM Version 8.0 product, please be aware of the following limitations.

  • Exclusion/Scheduled hours for monitors and notification methods are not preserved.
  • ELM no longer collects 32-bit performance counters.
  • ELM no longer supports Home/Standby configuration.
  • ELM no longer has an Agent, SMTP, or TCP Port monitors.
  • ELM no longer has an Advisor notification method.

Synchronization Wizard
You can use the Synchronization Wizard to update remote ELM Servers with files and / or configuration from an existing ELM Server. Configuration updates are only allowed when the remote ELM Server is running version or later.

To Synchronize an ELM 8.0 server:

  • Ensure the Allow ELM Servers to Update Binaries and Configuration IP Address list on the remote system contains the IP Address of the source ELM Server.
  • If the remote ELM Server is version or earlier, create selected folders in the ELM install directory on the remote system
    (ReceiveFile\Bin, ReceiveFile\Sql Scripts, ReceiveFile\ThirdParty, ReceiveFile\Import if sending configuration)
  • If the remote system is build 100 or earlier, make sure you add SQL Files to the list of files sent.
  • Run the Synchronization Wizard, specifying the remote system, any configuration objects, and which files. This should usually be the Bin folder and updating agents.

To Synchronize an ELM 7.5 or 7.0 server:

  • If 7.5, ensure the Accept Data from ELM Servers IP Address list on the remote system contains the IP v4 Address of the source ELM Server,
    or that Accept Data From Any ELM Server is allowed.
  • If 7.0, ensure the IP Trust | Forward Events trusted IP Address list on the remote system contains the IP v4 Address of the source ELM Server,
    or that Auto Add all forwarding ELM Servers is allowed. The remote system must have a valid license with active support and web license activation must be allowed.
  • The remote ELM Server must be using SQL 2016 or later for its databases.
  • Run the Synchronization Wizard, specifying the remote system, and checking the 7.x checkbox.

The following changes are included in release

  • Added: Filter Match tab is now in the ELMToolkit.
  • Fixed: Updated notification method small icons.
  • Fixed: Ping Monitor events are processed by the ELM Server.

The following changes are included in release

  • Fixed: Reports created from a view have the correct SQL query to use publication parameters.
  • Fixed: Improved user interface for view time picking.
  • Fixed: Event collection and handling is more robust.

The following changes are included in release

  • Fixed: ELM Report import is more robust.
  • Fixed: ELM Console tree scrolls to selected item when search finished.
  • Fixed: Garbage collector called explicitly in the ELM Agent process.
  • Fixed: ELM Agent to ELM Server communication is more resilient.
  • Fixed: Updated msvcp140.dll.
  • Fixed: Do not call validation scripts from multiple threads simultaneously.

The following changes are included in release

  • Fixed: Daylight Savings Time SQL partitions fixed and new partitions use UTC partition bookends.
  • Fixed: Windows 11 is now recognized by Inventory Collector.
  • Fixed: Agent to ELM Server reconnect no longer reassigns categories.
  • Fixed: Maintenance Window will reset if necessary.
  • Fixed: General Performance data inserted correctly into database.
  • Added: The ELM Toolkit now has an Advanced Support tab.

The following changes are included in release

  • Fixed: Improved error message when license quota exceeded.
  • Fixed: Epi to dll binary rename to comply with Windows Defender updates.

The following changes are included in release

  • Fixed: Ensure ELMServer.dat backups occur.
  • Fixed: Items created via 7.x duplication upgrade correctly.
  • Fixed: Performance Monitor instances upgrade properly.
  • Fixed: Performance Monitor counter and object display accurately.
  • Fixed: ELM 7.x Filters using message contains logic upgrade correctly.
  • Fixed: Refresh the Microsoft C++ redistributable library dlls.

The following changes are included in release

  • Fixed: Ensure license usage counts are correct when multiple servers are loaded.
  • Fixed: Include minutes in the hour exclusion display for clarity.
  • Fixed: Hour exclusion must include the end hour or the 11 PM to midnight hour cannot be excluded.
  • Fixed: SQL scripts clean up file groups.
  • Fixed: Combined event and performance database retention values since the data is in the same filegroup.
  • Fixed: Service Monitor recognizes long/display names as well as short names for inclusion and exclusion.
  • Fixed: Agent Monitoring Categories are persisted when ELM Server restarted.

The following changes are included in release

  • Fixed: ELM Console properly loads a dat file saved with Windows and ELM connections.
  • Fixed: ELM Console tree adds children before adding a new item.
  • Fixed: When updating 7.x agents, fail if Server or Console features are installed with the agent.
  • Added: Syslog Notification Method.

The following changes are included in release

  • Fixed: A read access user should not be able to create or edit items.
  • Fixed: Forward Event notification method works correctly.
  • Fixed: Inventory Collector handles embedded new line characters.
  • Fixed: ELM Console Support and About menu items combined to Help menu.
  • Added: Allow ELM Console connection using custom credentials.
  • Added: Implement ELM Console tree multiselect remove and delete.
  • Added: ELM Console automatic check for updates.

The following fixes are included in release

  • Added: No database, notification only option.
  • Fixed: Improved efficiency when reading events without a message resource.
  • Fixed: Event/Security/Correlation Views pause correctly.

The following fixes are included in release

  • Added: Server Synchronization Wizard to update binaries and configuration on other ELM Servers.
  • Added: Event Views and Security Views have a Summary display.
  • Added: Display service name environment variable is now available for Service Monitor actions.
  • Fixed: Event environment variables are available for monitor actions.
  • Fixed: Allow trusted IP v6 addresses, not just IP v4.
  • Fixed: Custom reports from ELM 7.5 publish correctly.
  • Fixed: Custom reports export correctly.

The following fixes are included in release

  • Fixed: Agent Deployment Wizard failure results are sorted to the top.
  • Fixed: Agent Deployment Wizard correctly deploys to systems having a 7.x agent.
  • Fixed: Performance instance lists are sorted.
  • Fixed: Reading event logs is more performant.
  • Fixed: ELM Console correctly updates when loading MIB files.
  • Fixed: ELM Console explorer tree correctly updates when items are deleted.
  • Fixed: ELM Console explorer tree adds child nodes only when node is selected.
  • Fixed: Multiple licenses update correctly.
  • Fixed: ELM Agent’s Replace Configuration task is more robust.
  • Fixed: ELM Agents react correctly to a dynamic ELM Server port change.

The following fixes are included in release

  • Fixed: Mail notifications correctly handle multiple recipients.
  • Fixed: Upgraded IP Virtual agents keep their type for correct licensing.
  • Fixed: Do not allow comma or semicolon in a To mail list.
  • Fixed: Ping Monitor time out tries next alias address.
  • Fixed: Ping Monitor event message includes text per attempt as in previous versions.

The following fixes are included in release

  • Added: Database Maintenance task.
  • Fixed: Changed Agent -> Server binding security from message to transport layer. Requires Agents to be redeployed after updating.
  • Fixed: Do not install SQL Express when remote SQL Express indicated by installer.
  • Fixed: Database failover is more robust.
  • Fixed: Agent Deployment Wizard deploy operation could result in a double backslash in the agent path.
  • Fixed: Agent Deployment Wizard deploy operation did not wait for data from the ELM Agent.
  • Fixed: Agent Deployment Wizard correctly handles deployments for upgraded agents.
  • Fixed: Monitors folder in the tree under a Monitoring Category is placed correctly.
  • Fixed: Font size is consistent in the Dashboard.

The following fixes are included in release