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ELM Server Synchronization provide a way for one ELM server to do a version upgrade or send configuration to another ELM server.
You can find Server Synchronization in the top main Menu option under New > Server (Group) > Synchronization (Wizard)
In order for one ELM server to accept version upgrades and configuration from another ELM server it must first trust the server sending the update.. To add the trust to a downstream ELM server enter the IP address of the ELM server to trust in the server options section Right-click and Edit your ELM server to get to this option. See ELM Server Settings
Note: 7.X servers will also require a folder be created call Import_Export in the ELM program directory as this folder is used to transfer any updates.
Add Servers:
Enter the name or IP address and the port of the server to update. If any of the ELM servers are ELM 7.X server those should be done is groups, check the box for ELM servers are 7.x
Add Items
Select any configuration items you would like to send or update on a receiving ELM server. This may include any ELM server objects including monitor items, event views, notifications etc.
File Options
This section is if you are updating/upgrading a remote ELM server. You may skip this section if you are only sending configuration updates to a server. A link to current release notes for this section is provided in the wizard. For most ELM server updates the only options that would need to be checked are "bin" and "Update Agents".
bin: sends ELM binaries to the remote server(s) to be updated/upgraded
third Party: this are binaries ELM uses. Typically this is not required when within the same version and just updating. It is possible this is required when doing a major version upgrade. See link to release notes if this option is required for any regular updates.
SQL Files: Typcially SQL files will not change. If this is required or you are using custom SQL with ELM and need/want to update remote files then check this option. See release notes links to see if this is required.
Note: Selecting All options here when upgrading/updating remote ELM servers is okay, it is just more files to transfer that may not be necessary.
After you click Finish the wizard will report back the results of the process.